0 Una de mil vidas en el Ecuador hoy
Ayer Nina y yo fuimos a Quito para dejar alimentos en la cocina comunitario que Marcelo y los otros colegas han organizado. Alli estan dando de comer a mas de mil personas cada dia Tuvimos la oportunidad de visitarle a Myriam en la universidad donde esta apoyando un albergue y donde conocimos un grupo de increibles mujeres Shuar, que fueron encontradas por los alumnos - Nos contaron una historia desgarradora de su viaje a Quito (la mayoria nunca habia estado en una ciudad), durmiendo en las calles durante 14 dias. En la Amazonia profunda, no manejan monedas, por lo que estaban cazando en los parques para comer. Eran demasiado orgulosas para pedir dinero O comida. Habian sido atacados con gases lacrimogenos y golpeados por la policía. Todas estaban flacas y un niño infante necesitaba atencion médica urgente, de pronto por la inhalacion de gases B Mientras tanto, dijeron que no habian venido a quejarse de su malestar. Sabían como sobrevivir, incluso en una ciudad. Querian hablar con alguien sobre sus preocupaciones. Traje un amigo reportero sueco quetomo imågenes y esta escribiendo algunos reportajes. Muy triste la historia de ellas, perotambién inspiradora. Mi impresion es que ahora mismo hay mil y una historias similares enlas calles de Quito. Articulo: Stephen SherwoodFoto: Thomas Höggren
El mundo se ha visto afectado por graves eventos y desastres en los últimos años, desde covid-19 hasta la guerra. Ahora también tenemos grandes problemas políticos aquí en Ecuador.¿Cómo queremos cambiar? ¿Cuáles son los caminos a seguir que son mejores que lo que piensa la dirección del país?Ecuador es un país pequeño pero con muchos recursos naturales. Debemos gestionarlos y asegurarnos de que las generaciones futuras puedan disfrutarlos como nos corresponde ahora. ¡No dejes que las empresas y la política arruinen todo!
0 SOS Ecuador - They are killing my people!
SOS ECUADOR Ecuador is experiencing one of the saddest moments in its history, President Lasso’s affirmation of the capital Quito and the country declaring a state of emergency has only been an excuse to protect the state and its politics that directly attack the most needy classes and thus repress a legitimate protest of simple people who are only asking for the basics to survive. Yesterday night the demonstrators were unexpectedly attacked in one of the peace zones in the Central University, the public force did not care that children, elderly people, mothers were there, as a result of this attack 1 dead, people injured, missing children. Ecuador has a population of approximately 18,000,000 in habitants, of which 25.4% is absolutely poor, 32.2% is a vulnerable population that barely has enough resources to support themselves, 30.40% is middle class, part of this that struggles not to fall into the vulnerable class and another part still, despite the situation, can support themselves because they have a job and can support themselves with their salary, and 12% of very rich people who own the main companies, the banks, etc. 3 out of 10 inhabitants in Ecuador have a permanent job, the basic salary is 425 USD and the basic basket is 728.68 USD, many children cannot attend school because they are forced to work, public education is of very low quality , if you want to provide a better education to your children, you must pay for private schools whose cost is higher than the basic salary, health is very deteriorated with massive layoffs of doctors, lack of medicines, hospitals without equipment to work, the budget for public universities which has generated less possibilities for young people to access it and the dismissal of teachers, apply the privatization plan for public companies as well as the Banco del Pacifico, to all this is added common crime that has increased exorbitantly in recent times, mass murders in prisons and that the government has been unable to protect the country as it now says it is doing. This big crisis in a country full of resources that are even exported to other places, here there should be no scarcity for anyone, the economic distribution only benefits a few, while the majority do not have the basics to live, for this For this reason, this protest led by the indigenous population, which has always been one of the most mistreated and which has been joined by other sectors that have also been severely beaten, must be heard throughout the world, but showing the truth, not just the convenience of the government of President Lasso. who asks for peace and on the other hand has plunged his people into poverty, in these conditions it is impossible to build peace. We ask the international community for help to stop this massacre.
0 Foto de Vignette para América Libre
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